Change Management

We live in a world of constant change in our personal lives and in our organizations. When 70% of all change projects fail, it can be hard to view change anything other than difficult and confusing – but that doesn’t mean it has to be. Being successful with change is less about forcing others to […]

Performance Planning

In a world of unlimited options, how do you decide which ones to pursue? How many planning techniques should you be an expert at if you only do planning once a year? Our team of experts can draw from dozens of approaches to help you discover and refine the areas that are the most important. […]

Performance Coaching

Have you ever noticed that the peak performers in every discipline have had coaches? Whether it’s sports, music, or business, the people who are at the top of their game have someone gently guiding and directing their careers in directions that lead to high performance and success. Some call this coaching; others describe the mentors […]

Program Evaluation

Proven practices produce predictable results. When you know what practices are effective and you can articulate the principles upon which the success is built, it’s easy to assess current performance and explain what changes are needed to close the gap. From infection prevention practices to information technology department management, we’ve got experts in dozens of […]

Empathetic Conversations

We have conversations every day and have since we were one or two. However, how many of them are conversations of deep understanding? They don’t have to be about emotions or entangling details; they must result in understanding the other person – and that means accepting the other person’s environment without judging their role in […]